Giveaway: 3 Free Tickets to Aquarium Of The Pacific

Photo Credit: Aquarium of the Pacific School is starting up soon and before you know it summer will be over! Wouldn’t it be fun to have one last fun family outing before the craziness starts? I am giving away 3 free tickets to The Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach. Tickets are valid through … [More…]

GIVEAWAY: 4 Free Tickets to Medieval Times At Any Location Nationwide

Inside the stone walls of an 11th century stone castle, Medieval Spain comes to life as six knights, donning authentic armour, clash in a jousting tournament for the title of king’s champion. Family Review Guide is giving away a four (4) pack of free tickets to Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament  at any one of … [More…]

Bear Grylls “Get Out Alive” Giveaway

One of the Hottest Men on TV, Bear Grylls has a new show on TV called “Get Out Alive”. It airs Mondays 9/8 central on NBC. In #GetOutAlive, 10 teams of 2 compete to survive in the beautiful New Zealand wilderness with Bear Grylls as their guide. The teams are faced with various survival tasks … [More…]

Angry Birds Birthday Party

I just love throwing birthday parties! I get so much inspiration from pinterest and even from my kids. 2 years ago  my son wanted an angry birds birthday party so I did some research but there was hardly anything angry birds merchadise out there. So, I used the power of the internet and came up … [More…]

An Owl-riffic Birthday!

For my daughter’s first birthday I decided I wanted to do an Owl themed party. I just love owls. They are so mystical, and beautiful. I especially love anything vintage owls. So with the help of a friend we pulled of a really fun party. For some decorations I bought some scrap book paper and … [More…]

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