- The original lyrics of the “Happy Birthday to You” song was “Good Morning to You”
- A song that gets stuck in your head is called an “ear worm”.
- In 1989, the U.S. military blared AC/DC music at General Noriega’s compound in Panama for 2 continuous days. The dictator surrendered
- Jimi Hendrix couldn’t read or write music.
- Metallica is the first and only band to play on all seven continents
- Michael Jackson boughtthe rights to most of The Beatles’ music for US$47.5 million in 1985. It’s now worth US$450 million
- Led Zeppelin got their name from a fellow musician, who said their band would go down like a “lead balloon
- The British Navy uses Britney Spears’ songs to scare off Somali pirates
- Eminem wrote and recorded “The Real Slim Shady” just 3 hoursbefore his album was due
- Enya, one of the world’s best-selling artists, sold over 100 million albums, but had never went on tour
- The largest free rock concert ever had 4.2 million people. It was held by Rod Stewart in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- The Iconic “Do you know where you are?! You’re in the JungleBaby!” line was actually yelled at Axl Rose by a Homeless man in New York
- Your heartbeat changes and mimics the music you listen to
- Flowers can growfaster by listening to music
- Elvis Presley didn’t write any of his songs
All facts compiled from Factslides.com