Nutter Butter Groundhog Pudding Cups




Nutter Butter Groundhog Pudding Cups

Groundhog Day is only two days away, is he going to see his shadow this year? We will have to wait and see! In the mean time here is a fun recipe to create with the kids that I found on the site Life is a lullaby. It’s very simple and only requires a handful of ingredients.


First you will need :


To start, add about 5 drops of green food coloring or dye to the coconut and mix well. If you want to brighten it to lime green add some yellow.

If you use a full bag of coconut you will have enough grass to makes a ton of pudding cups. I only made 4 and I had a huge bowl of coconut left over. So buy a lot of pudding cups and invite the neighbors over!


Attach the eyes, nose and teeth with peanut butter onto the front of a nutter butter cookie. You can use the peanut butter from inside of a spare cookie, however, I found it easier to just use some peanut butter from a spare jar I had in the fridge. You will start to see a groundhog face come to life.


Cut some M&M’s in half for the ears, and then place the groundhogs in a pudding cup and surround them with grass (the green coconut) Now you have cute little groundhogs popping up from the ground. Cute huh?!

Side Note: If you have those little fun size packs of M&M’s laying around from Halloween, just know that they are multi-colored, not just brown. I had to open so many of them just to find a few brown ones.


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