Monitor And Protect Your Kids in the Digital World

How many of you have kids that have Facebook accounts, Twitter accounts, Instagram accounts etc…? Do you safely monitor all of their activity? Sure we can spy on our kids, ask them for their passwords, etc…but sometimes there is only so much you can do short of not letting them have an account all together. … [More…]

The Ultimate Grocery List

I just found a really great site with an awesome PDF for a grocery list and I wanted to share with you. The site is called It is a compilation of found grocery lists and the author has also written a book called “Milk, eggs and vodka”. The first one is a regular grocery … [More…]

“The Juice Illusion”

How often do you give your child juice? We are mainly water drinkers in our house but on occasion I do buy a package of juice boxes for convenience. After reading this new infographic I may think twice! Did you know that by swapping whole fruits and veggies with juice each day provides the family … [More…]

Boogie Mist, Boogie Wipes and Puffs Fresh Faces: New products using old remedies

Have you ever tried to spray anything up a toddlers nose? It’s like trying to give a cat a bath! It is one of the most difficult things we as parents are expected to do. Which is why the makers of Boogie Mist and Boogie Wipes are slightly genius. They have made the nozzle (or … [More…]

My Lunchbox Woes Are Over!!!

For the past 8 years I think we have gone through 20 or so lunchboxes. No joke. They always come home smelly, sticky, dirty and gross. And let’s not forget about when the kids leave them in the car under the hot sun with leftover food in it. Oh those are lovely. Sure, you can … [More…]

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