10 Tips On How To Squeeze More Time Out Of Your Day


We all have habits that are huge time sucks and a waste of our day. But we continue to do them due to routine or just sheer stubbornness to change. As a matter of fact a new study revealed that Americans average 2 Hours Per Week Waiting For Their Slow Computers. Experts Say Patience, Diet and Exercise Are Often Compromised Due To Lost Time

The study, released by Harris Interactive, on behalf of Crucial.com shows that its recent poll found that 64% of adults with kids under the age of 18 spend more time with computers than with family or close friends. I am super duper guilty of this and I really want to change that. I am aware that I am already strapped for time and that a shocking amount of my time is wasted by sitting in front of the computer.

Lucky for me celebrity fitness trainer and mom, Kathy Kaehler, has tips on how parents can regain lost time and focus on what’s most important- spending time with family.

Here are Kathy’s 10 tips on how to squeeze more time out of your day:


  1. Instead of opening multiple bottles of pills one at a time every day, presort your pills into a pill box or switch to a daily multi-vitamin to save time in the morning.
  2. Instead of trying to creatively position a shopping cart so that it doesn’t roll out into the parking lot, save yourself time and aggravation and just bring it back to where it belongs.
  3. Don’t go shopping without a list because you will just wander up and down the aisles slowly getting distracted by unecessary purchases and forgetting important items. Prepare a list and shop more efficiently and save time.
  4. We waste 16 minutes per day, 2 hours per week, and four days per year waiting for our slow computers to “catch up”. Instead of pounding your fists in rage just extend the life of your computer and give it a performance boost with a money saving, do-it-yourself RAM upgrade.
  5. Lay out your clothes the night before work or school so you are not standing in the closet trying to decide what to wear while the minutes tick away.
  6. Save yourself a bunch of time by parking in the first available spot you see instead of circling around a crowded lot looking for a spot closer to the entrance. You’ll even get a little exercise.
  7. Stop hitting the snooze button on your alarm. Your wasting valuable minutes of your day trying to go back to sleep for 30 minutes. Just get out of bed the first time.
  8. Plan ahead buy your movie tickets online. Then you are not standing in line twiddling your thumbs.
  9. Shower more efficiently and streamline your morning tasks. Brew your coffee while you shower and brush your teeth while you condition your hair.
  10. Eat a diet low in fiber so you are not sitting on the toilet while you struggle and strain. Eat more fiber and drink more water and shorten those trips to the bathroom.

While these 10 tips sound great we all know things are easier said than done. Most importantly, you must do what works for you. Making a detailed plan to follow each week may be the perfect way to keep yourself on track. On the other hand, if you are like me, it would be the very thing that would absolute frustrate you to tears and make you hate life. However, add a few of these to your New Years Resolutions and see what works.

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