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Olympic Torch Craft and Facts


  • Paper Towel or Toilet Paper Tube
  • Tissue Paper (Red, Yellow, Orange)
  • Scissors
  • Glue


  1. Cut your tissue paper into six 6-inch squares — two squares for each color.
  2. "Stack" the squares on top of each other, saving one of the red squares for the top.
  3. Pick an end of your cardboard tube. Line the inside of the tube with a single ring of glue.
  4. Using your fingers, pinch the center of your stack of tissue paper squares so they gather into a "bunch" of flames. The top red square will be the outside layer of the flames.
  5. Slide the pinched end of the tissue paper about 2 inches into the tube. Press the edges of the paper against the glue.
  6. Wait about 5 minutes for the glue to dry.
  7. Parade around the house with your very own Olympic torch!